“Oh, so you’re an introvert,” my co-worker’s sarcasm was as clear as day.
She acts like I magically came up with a word to justify my “shy” character, and she won’t buy it.
Funny enough, many people misinterpret that our social orientation – which is introversion – equates to shyness. But honestly, if I’m not talking to you, it’s not an issue with my confidence, but a matter of social willingness.
Due to such misconceptions, introverts themselves are lead to question their self-worth. They start to worry if being an introvert is good or bad.
Because if it is bad, they would try their best to break out from the “inferior” personality.
Unfortunately, introversion isn’t a trait you can easily change. Introversion is embedded in our brain work.
Sadly, to fit in an extroverted world, many introverts dive into pseudo-extroversion.
But trust me. If you’re an introvert, constant pretension will eventually wear you out.
Calm down. Introversion has its perks.
First, let’s clear a widespread misconception.
Introverts are those people who drain energy from high amounts of social stimulation but recharge in peaceful and quiet places.
On the other hand, extroverts get their energy from socializing but lose their batteries when they’re alone.
Introversion isn’t synonymous with meekness and inferiority.
Most leaders today like Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and Warren Buffett are all introverts. No, they didn’t throw parties to be popular, yet these introvert leaders are impactful enough to leave their marks in history. Most of all, they are not shy.
I, myself, am an introvert. As I embrace introversion, I get more and more attuned to my rhythm. Remember, there’s strength in cultivating, rather than denying, the introvert in you.
You may also like: 11 Must-Read Books for Introvert Leaders
11 Reasons Why Being an Introvert is Awesome
I love being an introvert. The more I accept who I truly am, the more my strengths go in line. I will give you a few advantages of being an introvert and 11 reasons why being an introvert is good and awesome:
1. We can last long without company.

If there’s something I’m really proud of, it’s that I don’t need to ask for anyone’s attention. I’m all good on my own, along with the cats.
Introverts can survive for long periods even without company. The upsurge of Pandemic made this characteristic more evident as to why being an introvert is better.
Home quarantine is a breeze for introverts. We survive with little entertainment such as reading, planning, or drawing. As long as we have our books, pens, and gadgets, you can shut us in and we’ll survive.
We’re trained to do this. Lmao.
Unfortunately for extroverts, they have it hard during the extended home quarantine. I have extroverted friends who were caged in a room and slowly fall into depression.
True enough, introverts feel comfortable despite the drastic change in the environment. We love the work-from-home setup, no nagging workmates, coffee all day… This is paradise!
However, in most crucial times, please take time to check on your extrovert friends, too. This is where introverts have an advantage over extroverts. Let’s help one another cope up.
2. We lean on creative hobbies.

As I see it, introverts are better than extroverts when it comes to extensive creative projects.
Many introverts end up completing novels, large-scale paintings, and song compositions. They thrive well with quiet surroundings which helps them design their sophisticated artworks.
In the olden times, people with artistic minds are thought to be simulating different lives. It was said that artists bring about the thoughts of another individual, or a group. This helps creatives institute an original approach to their masterpiece.
No wonder, authors live different lives. They carry the heart of every character.
Moreover, introverts focus and observe their surroundings with towering sensitivity. Such sensitivity affects their evaluation of aesthetics. Thus, patience and observation of details make introverts better artists.
3. Our happiness doesn’t depend on others. Also, it costs less.
Is being an introvert good or bad? If you can find peace and happiness without relying too much on other people, then it’s an absolute benefit.
For me, being an introvert is good because it takes us less effort to be happy. The small circle of friends, the “unpopularity”, or isolation doesn’t stop us from cultivating our minds and harnessing new ideas.
Moreover, introvert hobbies are individualistic. Hobbies such as writing require alone time with no distractions. We could stimulate our minds and we won’t get bored.
Just give me a coffee and I’ll space out for a few minutes – and that’s time well-spent, I tell you.
On the contrary, extrovert’s happiness requires other people’s appearance. Not to mention, special occasions for them might be a bit pricey.
To cater to extroverts’ happiness, they may want to travel far or hold parties.
As for us, an introvert’s happiness is simple. Just leave us for a day and we will thank you forever with a refreshed smile.
4. We are listeners and people trust us to keep their secrets.
According to a study, extroverts and introverts view different perceptions when it comes to story-telling.
Extroverts seek a common and inclusive setting, so they come up with stories after stories to entertain the people around them.
On the other hand, introverts value exclusivity. Their stories come from their individual space – their personal experiences, intuition, and emotions.
In the case of story-telling, it was also observed that extroverts tend to import characters and figures into their stories than introverts.
As a result, people often trust introverts more than extroverts because they are less likely to open up private topics in a group conversation.
Want to harness the introvert power? Here’s an Introvert Book Recommendation to help you:
“Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking”
The world favors the “Extrovert Ideal”. However, Susan Cain discusses how an introvert can leave the cage of pseudo-extroversion and step up through focus and imagination. This book has made a loud impact on many introverts. Truly a bestseller.
5. We keep our circle small but real.
Even if introvert desires to befriend everyone, accommodating them all is near impossible.
I, myself, was a subject of pseudo-extroversion. It was nice to have everyone as friends. But not until they keep inviting you to hang out with them.
Recently, I decided to become active and started to play badminton. “I’m getting out of my comfort zone,” I said with conviction.
I think I succeeded at first. For a month, I played 3-4 times a week with a different set of friends – from high school and college. It was fulfilling.
But soon, people from social media who saw our uploaded photos recognized my availability. Surely enough, many started inviting me out of the blue.
I’m honoring my conviction, so I accepted their invitations.
But heck. Wanna know the result? *drum roll*
I’ve been in hermit mode for more than a month now. I think my social batteries had reached a negative percentage. I withdraw!
Lesson: don’t overdo making friends. *nods*
At the end of the day, introverts will have to lie low and only respond to a number of people – their truest friends.
That said, introverts are likely to build strong and long-lasting friendships.
6. You keep your privacy and peace.
It’s way better to be an introvert especially when you have a low desire for approval. In the rise of social media, the fight for everyone’s validation has brought high anxiety and depression.
I get overwhelmed with people around me arguing and shaming other people. When my bucket gets full, I deactivate all my accounts and prefer to use websites where I know no one.
That said, I can keep my peace, engage in private, with no one throwing any side comments to me. Freeeeedom.
7. Traveling alone becomes an adventure.

Most times, I enjoy traveling alone. This way, I can walk at my pace, stop when I wanted to, and enter stores I want.
My go-to destinations are bookstores. When I’m alone, I have overall control as to where I will go and how long it will take me. On the other hand, shopping and traveling with friends feel a bit draggy.
I think our ability to enjoy traveling alone, appreciating the view, entering random stores, looking at the moon, and feel fulfilled is such an amazing feat.
Our power to appreciate stillness, following our own pace, along with independence is what makes being an introvert good and mesmerizing.
8. Introverts find stronger relationships.
Introverts take it slow to enter relationships. Usually, we take the long route and make sure we’re dealing with a genuine relationship.
As a result, relationships form more intimate and stronger bonds. Not to mention, introverts are the more romantic types. They send a mysterious vibe to the people around them while sharing the exclusivity to the one they love.
For me, the duality in introverts makes them attractive. They have a face to show the world, but a deeper and more affectionate character only for their partner’s eyes.
Read post: 10 Reasons Why Introvert-Introvert Relationships Work
9. Other people are used to not bothering you.
When people know you’re an introvert, it becomes easier to turn down invitations. Being open about introversion helps your friends realize how you function. Even when you don’t respond to their invitations or group chats, they already know what’s up.
Unlike before, when I was pretending to be an extrovert, some of my friends fetch me at home just so we can hang out.
Fortunately, I can use my strict and introverted mom as an alibi. “Sorry, my mom said no” usually worked. While my friends felt sorry because I can’t join them, I am rejoicing because I can watch anime series all day long.
10. For introverts, to be alone is freedom.
Who told you alone time is lonely? As an introvert, alone time is such a blessing.
I lie on my bed, take out some soda, and binge-watch some children’s movies on Netflix.
Dear people, don’t worry about us. You don’t have to call us either because we won’t answer.
We’ve already dealt with you all day. Give time to enjoy now. Alone time is free time.
11. We easily find ways to have fun.
It’s wonderful to be an introvert because everything prior to my happiness is accessible.
Fun for an introvert can be rearranging their bookshelves and skimming old books. As a kid, I enjoyed writing our family name on CDs and encyclopedias, claiming that all of them is ours. No one gets our damn CDs!
But most of all, what I like about being an introvert is the ease and simplicity that lead our life. If people don’t constantly question our social capabilities, I think simplicity, depth, trust, and mystery make introverts better than extroverts.
In a world that rewards the “extrovert ideal,” I know many introverts feel lost and misunderstood. However, it’s not a reason to deny who we are.
Introverts and extroverts carry varying strengths, but all are equally significant.
As for me, I also did question myself before so I understand the struggle. But when I realized that being true to myself opens more opportunities that are in line with my true interests, I saw everything start falling into place.
Opportunities open up when you stay true to yourself. Embrace the introvert in you. Instead of pondering how to change a “weakness,” use the strengths hidden behind introversion instead. Improve what’s already in you, and growth will start there.
Thanks for reading!
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This post was truly worthwhile to read. I wanted to say thank you for the key points you have pointed out as they are enlightening.
Glad you liked it, Sandra! 🙂